Customizing Charts in OutSystems: Adding That Extra ✨Spice✨ with JavaScript

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OutSystems Charts makes it easy to visualize data, but what if you need more control—like advanced tooltips, dynamic updates, or custom interactions? Since it’s built on HighCharts, you can unlock a wide range of features using JavaScript. Let's take your graphs from a "nice.." to a "whoa!".

In this guide, I’ll show you how to do just that.

Why Bother?

OutSystems Charts covers the basics, but HighCharts itself has a ton of cool features built-in. Just take a peek at HighCharts demos— there’s much more available than what Outsystems provides currently Today, we’ll look at two ways to extend your charts:

  1. UpdateProviderConfigs – The OutSystems-approved way
  2. HighCharts Update API – The "brute-force" approach

What Are We Building?

To make life easy, I’ve provided a quick start module you can download here. It includes a basic chart and example data. You’ll find a Graph1 & Graph2 screen with an AreaChartInitialized action—this is where we’ll add our custom magic.

We’ll be using this same config for both methods:

const config = {
  title: {
    useHTML: true,
    text: "Countries/regions with highest Gt CO<sub>2</sub>-emissions",
  subtitle: {
    text: "Source: <a href="" target="_blank">Energi og Klima</a>',
  tooltip: {
    format: "{#each points}<span style='color:{series.color}'>{}</span>: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b> ({point.y:,.1f} billion Gt)</br>{/each}",
    shared: true,
  plotOptions: {
    area: {
      stacking: "percent",
      marker: { enabled: false },

I've already provided it on the sample, so that you don't to fiddle with that.

Method 1: UpdateProviderConfigs

OutSystems provides a JavaScript API for updating chart configurations while keeping things in sync with its internal model.


✅ Changes persist across re-renders


❌ Some properties mysteriously don’t work (trial & error required)

❌ Config has to be passed as a serialized JSON string

❌ Does not allow passing functions

One major limitation of this methid is that it does not allow passing functions (like custom tooltip formatters or event handlers) due to security restrictions.


You may paste this line into the JavaScript node SetConfig in the sample.

Method 2: HighCharts Update API

This method uses HighCharts’ own .update() function. Unlike the first method, it allows you to pass a normal JavaScript object—which is easier in some cases.


✅ More flexible

✅ Supports full HighCharts functionality


❌ OutSystems will overwrite your config on re-render (so you need to reapply it)


You may paste this line into the JavaScript node SetConfig of the second graph screen in the sample.

The Result

🎉 Boom! Both methods will give you this beautifully customized chart:

Chart end result.png

Final Thoughts

Congrats! You now have the power to tweak and enhance your charts like a pro. Use it wisely. 🧙‍♂️

Before diving straight into JavaScript, always check if you could use OutSystems own helper actions, like SetHighchartsChartConfigs. That could save you some finicking with Javascript. Again, your mileage might differ.

Good luck and Happy charting!